Monday, November 25, 2013


1)   What is your business?
      My company, "With Love...," is similar to the store Things Remembered. Basically, what we do is personalize gifts and items for our customers. We monogram items, as well as put personal messages or photos onto them.

2)   Describe your business in one sentence.
      We customize items, gifts, and clothing with personal messages and photos.

3)   Who is your target audience?
Our target audience is essentially everyone. Our services will be available for anyone who needs something customized or personalized. 

4)   Who are your competitors?
Things Remembered and the Embroidery Shop.

5)   What makes them better/worse than your product/service?
Things Remembered has a pretty limited selection when it comes to clothing and blankets. For my company, I really want to emphasize personalized clothing. I also want to have a bigger selection of jewelry and gifts for men. Also, the Embroidery Shop is only clothing and cups/mugs. Basically, I want to combine the two shops into one, better shop.

6)   Do you currently have an identity?  
     No, this is a new company.

7)   What do you like about it and what don’t you like about it?

These following questions might seem silly, but their purpose is to help generate ideas.
1)   How do you want your image to be seen in two years?
We want this company to be seen as a reliable company with high-quality products. We want our costumers to trust that we will always finish their engravings in a timely manner.

2)   If your company was an animal, what animal would it be and why?
If my company was an animal, it would be a bear cub. People associate teddy bears with love and comfort, which is exactly what we want our customers to feel when they receive their finished product(s).

3)   If your company/brand was a person, who would it be and why?
If my company was a person, it would be someone who really cares about giving back and giving to others. A good example of someone like this would be Oprah.

4)   If your company/brand was an object, what would it be?
A heart. 

5)   If your customer was a cartoon character, who would it be?
If my customer was a cartoon character, it would be Dory from Finding Nemo because she was kind-hearted and good. She would definitely be interested in buying our products because they express love. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Lyrical Collage

For my lyrical collage, I chose to use a line from the first verse of the song "Atlas Hands" by Benjamin Francis Leftwich. I started out with a simple picture of the sky and water that I got off of Google. Next, I opened a new file with a picture of a dock. I used the magnetic lasso tool to trace it, and then moved it onto the original picture of the water. I then used the patch tool to fix any mistakes that I made when tracing it. After that, I opened a third file with a picture of a boy jumping into water. I again used the magnetic lasso tool to trace him, and then I moved him onto the original picture. I adjusted the brightness/contrast of him because he was slightly too dark for the background. Then, I found a picture of a pirate ship and again traced it. I moved it onto the new file, and then adjusted the brightness, contrast, hue, and saturation to make it fit in with the background better. I then used the blur tool to make it appear as though it was actually in the water. Finally, I used the text tool to type the words to the verse. I adjusted the font, color, and size so that it was visible. When I attached the jpg picture, it got rather small but the real detail can be seen in the original photoshop file which will be on the student server. These are the original images I used:

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Custom Graphic

For my custom graphic project, I decided to do another beach scene. First, I started out making the sand. I changed the background and foreground colors to ones that resembled sand, and then applied the clouds filter. After that, I added noise to the layer. I then began working on a new layer, again using the clouds filter to give it the effect that I wanted. Finally, I applied a radial blur, as well as the Bas Relief effect to give it the final touches. This created a perfect depiction of sand. Next, I found a picture of waves on the Internet. I opened up a new file and used the magnetic lasso tool to trace the water and move it onto the original file with the sand background. I altered the colors and opacity in order to make it look as if the sand was showing through the waves. I did the same with the two starfish in the bottom right hand corner. Finally, I used the mixer brush tool to make the grass. I chose the "Dune Grass" option, and altered how much they scattered and the size that I wanted them to be. I used the "Flip X" option to make the blades of grass go in different directions. The last thing that I did to complete the graphic was use the preset dune grass brush tool to go over my original strokes; This made some appear closer and smaller, while others appeared larger and farther away. These are the two pictures I used to make the waves and the starfish: 

I learned how to create the realistic sand effect through this tutorial: